Biyernes, Disyembre 10, 2010


riddle no. 1
 I am the red tongue of the Earth; I bury cities beneath.
answer: Volcano.

riddle no. 2
Big as a biscuit, deep as a cup, Even a river can't fill it up. What is it?
answer: A kitchen strainer

riddle no. 3
Take off my skin, I won't cry, but you will. What am I?
answer: An onion

riddle no. 4
What do you throw out when you want to use it but take in when you don't want to use it?
answer: An anchor

riddle no. 5
 You answer me, although I never ask you questions. What am I?
answer: A telephone

Riddles are fun.. it was a good way that help us to think about the right was so enjoyous..


I am the fountain from which no one can drink. For many I am considered a necessary link. Like gold to all I am sought for, But my continued death brings wealth for all to want more. .

What am I?

answer: oil

Miyerkules, Disyembre 8, 2010

folk songs

Atin cu pung singsing
Metung yang timpucan
Amana que iti
Quing indung ibatan
Sancan queng sininup
Queng metung a caban
Mewala ya iti
E cu camalayan.

Ing sucal ning lub cu
Susucdul king banua
Picurus cung gamat
Babo ning lamesa
Ninu mang manaquit
Quing singsing cung mana
Calulung pusu cu
Manginu ya caya.
I had a ring
With a beautiful gem
I inherited it
From my mother
I kept in very well
In a chest
But it just disappeared
Without my noticing.

The heartache within me
Is as high as the sky
My crossed hands
Are upon the table
Whoever can find
That ring I inherited
My poor heart
Shall forever worship.


The Myth about the Butterfly
Butterflies are playful insects that glide up and down flowers in a garden. But how did this carefree creature get to be so flippant? This myth about butterflies tells us how?
A long time ago, there was a woman had a beautiful daughter. The myth says she dearly loved this daughter that she was willing to do anything for her. In fact, the myth says, she very worked hard day and night to be able to give her every good thing in life. All her daughter’s capricious wants and desires were granted. The myth further says the mother never even once let her work, even in household chores. The mother reasoned that her daughter’s delicate skin should not be marred in any way. She might one day end up being a good stage performer, the mother thought.
So the myth says all that the daughter wanted was to have fun. She was trained to do nothing except go shopping in markets or town boutiques, attend dance parties, go outing with friends, flirt with the boys, or see plays. One day, according to the myth, the mother got sick because of the hard work she did day and night. She was barely able to move due to the gravity of the ailment, and she found herself alone in her house. Her daughter was always out with friends, the myth says. When she was home she never lifted a finger to help her mother. She didn’t even show concern for her mother’s plight. Worse, she literally despised her mother for not being able to work and support her needs and desires anymore, the myth adds.
So the myth says that one day her daughter decided to leave home. She was fed up with a jobless mother that always needed help. The myth says she decided that she would stay with her rich friends or be adopted by a rich couple or perhaps just marry a rich man. So she packed her things and was ready to go.
But then, the myth continues, that a kind-hearted fairy, who had been witnessing everything, blocked the daughter’s way by turning her into a butterfly with a sleight of her wand. Sure enough the daughter, the myth says, turned into a colorful butterfly. When the mother looked for her daughter, she saw a butterfly fluttering among the flowers, just like her daughter who wanted nothing but fun and riches.
This myth counsels the young generation to be responsible children and to love their parents

Biyernes, Disyembre 3, 2010

"...aN inSpiRing QuotAtioNs.."

BuTTerFLies dOnt KnOw tHe coLor of tHeiR wiNgs
But Human eYes KnoWs How niCe iT is
LikewiSe yOu dOnt Know How gOod yOu are
But God KnoWs hoW speciAL yoU aRe..